Gettin' Crafty

As you may remember, we at the McClellan household have been watching a lot of HGTV. I have also recently downsized desks, leaving me less room for the plethora of picture frames and knick-knacks I as a 20-something female have acquired over the years and would still like to display. When you get married, you find that nearly everything in your house must be either gender-neutral or pertain to both of you, which doesn’t really include things like my Disney Princess picture frame featuring my friend Nicole and me.

These two factors, along with a desire to pursue new hobbies (seeing as I have none), have ushered me into the world of DIY. I, Laura Kathleen McClellan, am going to paint and glaze a bookshelf I bought on Craigslist for $25. And it’s going to look awesome. I think.

Here is what it looks like right now:

Here is what I am hoping it will look similar to when I am done [click image to see tutorial]:

And for those of you who know what beadboard is (I have only recently become one of these people), I think I’m going to replace the back panel with beadboard if I can make it work. (Also if I can find out where one buys beadboard.)

Now all I have to do is track down a power sander. If you have one of those lying around and you wouldn’t mind letting a novice furniture refinisher borrow it for an afternoon, let me know!

I will let you know how it turns out! Also if any of you have refinished furniture before and have any advice, let me know. Pretty sure I can use all the help I can get!