The Truth Sessions, Vol. 3

Welcome to Volume 3 of The Truth Sessions! If you're just joining me on this little journey, The Truth Sessions is a series I started in which I ask people from all different walks of life their perspectives on truth and the role it plays in our lives. So far, I've interviewed Nicole White  and Collin Brace. Both had really interesting takes on the questions I asked, and I really enjoyed reading their thoughts, as I hope you did too!

Today I bring you answers from Melissa McCall. Melissa and her husband Barry lead a marriage mentor small group my husband and I are in. She is a mother of three kids (around my age), turns ordinary furniture into Pinterest-worthy works of art, and her e-mail address includes the phrase "momdabomb," which I think is awesome. I'm excited to share her perspective with you!


Do you believe in the existence of universal truths (that apply to all people)? Yes

What do you think truth is? Truth is an indisputable fact, proposition or principle.  It is the same over time, in all situations and does not shift.

Do you think truth is important? Why or why not?  Yes, I believe that truth is very important.  Truth forms my attitudes and beliefs, drives my purpose and mission, helps me to form my conviction and morality and affects my choices and behaviors.  Without truth, I would be like the shifting sand. I would live my life in a state of uncertainty and disorder.

What experiences in your life have led to your beliefs about truth? Obviously when we are young, many inputs in our world will contribute to what we believe to be true.  As humans, we will adjust facts or principles to often times "fit" our own agenda.  I believe that people often confuse the idea of truth with actual truth. If I based my whole belief about truth on science, I will find that scientists are changing what they have discovered or trying to disprove what I was once told was true.  If I put my belief about truth in the  hands of society, I will see that laws will change and social norms will evolve.By nature, I am a person who believes the best about people or situations.  I tend to trust people and situations at face value (or what I believed to be true). I have been disappointed many times when what I wanted to believe was true (an ideal, a promise, a person) ends up failing or being not at all what I thought it to be.  So, as I look back on my life, the one truth that I can point to, and that has not disappointed, is the truth of God's word. It is the one anchor on which I have been able to depend.

What is a statement, ideal, or principle about the human experience you have found to be proven most true throughout your life?  People all struggle to be "in control" of their lives.  I have learned that I cannot control all aspects of my life or another persons life.  If I do not lean upon something more powerful than myself, this world or the circumstances around me, I will fall into despair.  It is in those times when I finally let go of the control and let God be God in my life that I experience peace.  His ways are not always my ways, but His ways are always best for me.


I love her answer to the last question in particular. I definitely struggle with the desire to have control over my life.

Do you ever struggle to be in control of your life? If so, how?