
April means goal-assessment

It’s officially April. Here are the things I have crossed off my to do list for 2011: 1. Finish a book. (one of two. bite-sized goals, remember?)

that’s it.


Here are some things I still want to do (and fully intend on completing):

1. learn three songs on my neglected mandolin. (I WILL learn to play it. I will!)

2. finish another book.

3. grow vegetables. yes, grow vegetables. This is a new desire of mine after reading this blog by a girl who eats far too healthy (tofu and chickpeas anyone? boo.). Though this blog continually makes me feel like I’m failing at life if I don’t immediately go buy some kale (it’s apparently all the rage) or run 8 miles, I still find it interesting, and I saw one post in which she had grown her own tomatoes. In a cooler. I thought, hey, I have room enough for a cooler in our super-mini backyard. I could grow vegetables. This may be far too lofty of a goal, particularly if you consider the fact that I have no plant- (let alone vegetable) growing experience. But hey, how hard can it be, right? I just think it would be really cool to start with a seedling and end up with food!

This sounds like a summertime goal, so I think that is when I will start. Maybe May. I think vegetables grow best in warm weather. That seems right. (Once again, first-time grower here.) I think my first-ever homegrown vegetable adventure will start with cherry tomatoes and green beans. I love both, and the internet (and Real Simple) tells me it can’t be that hard or require that much space. At least not the tomatoes. We’ll see how this goes.

Anyway. Maybe I should go practice my mandolin. My sweet husband is up in our music room/office just working away and I’ve been watching House Hunters for an hour and a half.

Gang Vocals and Girlfriends

Note: I’ve been meaning to post this for a few days, and in frustration with the picture embedding I have failed. So…this post is a little dated. Sorry! This weekend has been great, even though my husband has been out of town. A weekend that could have been not-so-fun turned out to be quite lovely.

One of the great things about living in Nashville is that everyone you know is super talented. Another great thing about that is that sometimes you might be in the right place at the right time and get to do something cool with those talented friends.

Some of my friends from Belmont are in a group called Mosaic, and they’re in the middle of recording their 3rd album. They are 6 very talented individuals and they all do different things really well, so their group is really unique.

Anyway, they needed some people to do gang vocals on a few of their songs Friday evening and I was lucky enough to be invited to help out. It was really fun to be a part of! I’ve been in studios a handful of times, but I’m never one of the people on the other side of the mic, plus I have an affinity for gang vocals. Somehow a large group of people singing a simple phrase over & over tends to make that phrase sound more epic to me. So I really enjoyed doing it. I can’t wait to hear the whole album when it comes out!

Also my best friend from home, Noelle, came up to visit/keep me company this weekend, which was super fun. I got to hang out with her and my other best girlfriends in town Friday night. It’s great to have friends with whom you don’t need to plan any particular entertainment, you can just hang out and talk for 4-5 hours.

We got to enjoy the weather Saturday eating lunch outside at Baja (yum) and then getting Las Paletas (gourmet popsicles) and hanging out at Sevier Park.

That night, we headed over to Ugly Mugs in East Nashville for some good coffee and free music. I really loved Ella Sinclair’s set! She’s a great songwriter. She gave away her cd at the show and I’m excited to keep listening. Check her out!

Also file “free great music” and “wonderful coffee shops” under Reasons I Love Nashville.


Today I am resuscitating my blog. Welcome back, blog! I’ve debated on this back and forth. Do I really need to broadcast more of my thoughts to the world? Do I really need more than Twitter and Facebook to accomplish that task?

Well, apparently I do, because I couldn’t stay away. At least not longer than a year.

I’m attributing it to the fact that I really enjoy writing and hopefully not to the fact that I just like to hear myself talk. Or…see myself write. Whatever.

And in true representation of my personality, I’m pretty sure I viewed about 30 different themes before settling on the one I’d had to begin with.

Anyway, Craig and I are trying to cut down on our TV-watching for Lent, so that we can do more productive things like read, play music, not watch 4 episodes of House Hunters… [seriously, what is with that show? Why do I like it so much?]

So that makes more time for blogging, too. And time to do things worth blogging about.

Also, as a side note, I was reading the last few entries of this blog, and one of them introduced the concept of “jeggings.” I am truly saddened to say this trend has not only refused to retreat, it came with full force. Sigh. Friends don’t let friends wear leggings as pants.

Tonight I get to celebrate my dear husband and dear friend Jason’s birthdays with my friends, and I am super excited. Also super excited to eat the cupcakes I am going to bake (from scratch, what up) after I get home from work.

That’s enough for now. From now on my posts will be more focused (probably), but, give me a break, I’m a little rusty. And it’s hard to figure out what kind of insight your first blog post in a year should bestow. Turns out not a ton. See ya bye!